Hello! Thank you for your interest in *PERFECTCLONE PC*! At *PERFECTCLONE PC*, we sell perfect replicas of the most popular name brand production PCs. We use all brand-name premium parts. Our PCs come with 1-5 year warranty from the manufacturer on all major parts. We can also upgrade and do custom builds to suit your personal or professional needs at no labor charge! Why pay $2000+ for a brand-name top of the line computer when you can get the *PERFECTCLONE* for almost half the price! ALL *PERFECTCLONE PC*s are configured with top-of-the line brand-name retail parts and are assembled by an A+ Certified Technician! Don’t be fooled by other custom built PCs -- *PERFECTCLONE PCs are PERFECT*!! Our shop is currently under construction at the moment. Please feel free to drop us a message at ** in regard to *ANYTHING* computer related and we *WILL* promptly get back to you! Sincerely, Your *PERFECTCLONE PC* Team.